rafting! (and some other stuff, bunnies, etc.)
So yesterday we went whitewater river rafting on the White Salmon river in beautiful Husum, WA.
The river looked like this:

and our guides looked like this:

Christina's friend Nini from high school and her boyfriend Chris! The river was lots of fun, and Christina went over that rapid in the picture holding on to the front of the raft like a cowgirl at a rodeo.
In more extra-niceness, Nini and Chris let us stay in their tent for the night, next to a lovely creek:

It looks suspiciously like our tent from REI, but is more comfy and more next to a scenic creek.
The tent was also near a bunny hole. Look!

On our way to Husum, we found the real Yale.

Har har har.
Oh yeah, and Christina went through a fast-food drive-thru for the first time ever. Look how excited she is!

We also saw a bunch of waterfalls on the way out of Husum, along the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway, gorgeway, something like that. This one was nice:

And now, we're in Seattle!

Maybe there will be some sort of video about it...
Time to go look at the Space Needle!
p.s. It is Christina's birthday tomorrow, so if you forgot, you should email her presents.
christina: how had you NEVER gone through a fast-food drive through before? oh my god! i thought you grew up in the suburbs!
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